
The Waiting To Exhale

Finally, I’m feeling like I can exhale! After 16 appointments, many hours in a waiting area, and most likely hitting the quota of 10,000 steps a day, I am on the homestretch to the end of my stay in Rochester.

Yesterday, I received the confirmation that all of the doctor’s evaluations, tests, scans and blood draws have cleared me for the Car-T Cell Transplant. The next big step happens today with having a central line placed in my neck or chest in order to harvest the millions of T cells from my blood needed. The harvesting will happen tomorrow morning.

This week, the verse I’ve really kept front and center in my heart and mind is Proverbs 16:9, which says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” More than anything, my desire is that the Lord direct my steps. I was blessed this morning in my devotion time in that the context was a sweet reminder that His plans are bigger (and better) than our own. Here is an excerpt of my First5 devotion:

God’s heavenly plan is always bigger than our circumstances. Even when we can’t see His intent, we need to remember our Lord is always at work on our behalf. Faith is trusting in God’s sovereignty when what we’re facing doesn’t make sense to us. In our moments of deepest distress, peace comes from believing our Heavenly Father is orchestrating our lives and we are secure in His loving hands.”

On a final note, I continue to be so loved and encouraged by the many cards, texts, letters and calls from you all. You have no idea the joy it brings me while I’m so far from home. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!! Well, I’m off to my first appointment of the day!!

Love, Life and Cancer Ribbons, Amy

14 thoughts on “The Waiting To Exhale”

  1. What an amazing confirmation from your devotional this morning. May Gods peace continue to rest upon you as you move through the next steps today and tomorrow . God loved you Amy and so do I.

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  2. Thank you for sharing Amy! I am praying for peace and rest for you today. Perhaps it is appropriate to share Exodus 14:14
    “The Lord himself will fight for you. You won’t have to lift a finger in your defense”
    To God be the glory!

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  3. Great news, Amy!!
    Keep pressing on. Loved your devotional. May you continue to see God working in a mighty way in your life. Hugs.

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  4. You write so beautifully – I love and admire you on your special, challenging journey! ALWAYS remember that you are loved and that Jesus is next to you every step of the way! God has a plan…….
    God Bless you and keep you close, Amy!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So thankful the transplant is a go! Believing His healing touch is upon you. Love and hugs sent to you!


  6. Answer to prayers! Wonderful to hear! God is guiding the steps as you keep track of yours! Continuing to pray my friend. Hugs and love ❣️

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