Cancer, healthy, health, unhealthy, Hope, LGL Leukemia, life, life, MDS, multiple myeloma, plasma cell leukemia

“Only God knows the number of my days!”

Tomorrow is one of the days of my life that I’ll never forget! It was the day that I learned I had cancer and was given five to eight years to live, so the oncologist thought.

It was my response that I believe put a line in the sand.

It was my response that I believe was whispered in my heart by the Holy Spirit.

It was my response that declared that I was no longer trapped by the fear of death.

It was my response that was the first step of victory regardless of what the future looked like or lab reports showed.

My response was immediate and without a pause to think about as I replied, “Only God knows the number of my days.” The oncologist didn’t have words but he knew then and there where I stood.

Looking back over the past 10 years, I have so much to be thankful for and I give God glory for all of it. He continues to prove Himself faithful not only on the mountaintops but especially in the valley’s.

So what’s next…

On January 1st I will be returning to Mayo Clinic as insurance has finally approved a Stem Cell Boost. The process involves using the unused stem cells that they harvested from me for my transplant in 2015 and giving them back to me through my port. The hope is that this will ultimately “boost” my counts back to normal levels. While the cancer is at bay, my blood counts have never returned and it’s becoming critical.

Thank you for continuing to pray as I trust God to provide all that’s needed for this trip and that the stem cells do exactly what they are supposed to do with little side effects or setbacks. I am so thankful for each of every one you that has surrounded me with prayer and support! I love you all!!

Love, Life & Cancer Ribbons, Amy